Alcoholism and domestic violence are even more dangerous than Covid-19
December 22, 2020The family is the basic unit of society. In that sense, the peace of the family determines the color of the community. However, professional organizations emphasize that domestic violence is increasing in Mongolia every year. In Ulaanbaatar alone, an average of five women a day turns to the police for beating their husbands. It is difficult to say how many children and women are victims of domestic violence and “suffer” behind closed doors.
According to the 2018 Gender-Based Violence Survey, 62.2 percent of women who were physically abused, or two out of three women, said that their partner’s drinking and drunkenness contributed to the violence. Also, 36.2 percent or one in three women reported violence when they were jealous. According to the women interviewed, “It’s because of alcohol, there are people who drink alcohol. When you drink alcohol, you almost kill your wife and children, and when you come in, you drink alcohol. ” He said that women who had lived in a violent environment for many years were beaten even when they were healthy.
From the interview of a 20-24-year-old woman:
“It’s not interesting, but it is strangely watchable,” he said. A woman’s eyes and mouth are bruised, at least in terms of beauty. There will be emotional trauma. When he drinks, he trembles with fear and thinks about what to do. I think it will change “
From the speech of a woman aged 35-65:
“I was beaten for more than a decade,” he said. In the courtroom, he knelt and begged me never to do it again. But when he came out, he locked the door and said, “Who are you to stop me from being punished?” So that person will never get better. I didn’t tell anyone. I hid it. I ran away from home to survive. ”
Especially in these days of quarantine, domestic violence caused by domestic alcoholism is a problem that cannot be ignored.
As of the first 11 months of 2020, the highest number of child and domestic violence calls was recorded in Bayanzurkh district, at 9,082. There are 8,721 registered in Songinokhairkhan district, 3,730 in Chingeltei district, 3,260 in Sukhbaatar district, and 27 in Bagakhangai district. The government decided to move to a state of public readiness from November 11 to December 14 nationwide. As a result, the closure of bars and karaoke bars and curfews has led to a sharp decline in crime in the streets and public places, and domestic violence continues to be a significant factor.
For instance, 3,814 calls were registered with the police during this period, of which 2,182 were related to domestic violence.
Despite the ban on the sale of alcohol during the transition to public alert, police-related violations continued to be reported. As a result, the general readiness level was reduced to a high level of preparedness, and beer and wine were sold. As a result, domestic violence, drunken driving, public harassment, and ill health have increased dramatically. By the way, at yesterday’s (December 21, 2020) Cabinet meeting, it was decided to set the deadline for the transition from high alert to universal readiness from today until January 6, 2021, at 06.00.
Police Major G.URANBAT, Senior Specialist of the Prevention Department of the Capital City Police:
-Domestic violence is directly related to personal and social life. Alcoholism, poverty, and unemployment are not the leading causes of domestic violence. But the influencing factors. The causes of domestic violence depend to no small extent on individual morality and how conflicts are resolved. There are four forms of domestic violence: economic, physical, emotional, and sexual. The leading causes of physical violence are misunderstandings and conflicts. Domestic violence is defined as the recurrence of acts of violence among related family members. According to Article 5.4 of the Law on Violations, a person convicted of domestic violence is detained for 7-30 days.
There is no provision in the law for fines other than arrest. Repeated domestic violence and bodily harm are punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment under Article 11.7 of Chapter 11 of the Criminal Code. From December 14 to December 21, a total of 7,485 calls and reports were registered with the police during the week of high alert.
If we break down the above numbers, 978 calls of child and domestic violence were registered, increasing 556 demands or 2.3 times compared to the previous week.
The number of drunken calls in 2017 increased by 1,098 or 2.1 times compared to the previous week. One thousand five hundred thirty-seven traffic accidents were registered, which increases 821 calls or 2.1 times compared to the last week. There were 1,119 registered healthy people, an increase of 431 calls or 1.6 compared to the previous week.
N.ARVINTARIA, Director of the National Center Against Violence:
-Unemployment, poverty, education level, and mental health are factors influencing domestic violence. The real reason, in a word, is moral decay. Our society has become a pro-violence society. No matter what happens, the people’s attitude to kill and execute is a sign of their support for violence. Without changing this attitude, no matter how violent we are, we are no different. Not everyone unemployed, poor, uneducated, or drunk is committing violence. Conversely, educated and employed people to weigh more. It is merely a shadow of our social tendency to solve problems by force.
There is a common perception that perpetrators are almost identical to beasts, insane, and classless. On the other hand, psychologists justify their perpetrators by believing that their wrongdoing is right and that it is inevitable. Or they conclude that they are mentally ill people who have been misled into thinking that they are to blame for the actions of those around them.
B.OYUN-ERDENE, Head of the Department of Family Studies, Ulaanbaatar University, Doctor and Professor:
– Domestic violence is a recurring, escalating cycle. At first, the victim is just offended. “It’s a little bit. He touches me, ” Did he do it because he was angry and drunk, ” Maybe it was my fault, ”and so on. At this point, the victim is ready to forgive the abuser. In the next stage, the victim takes the position of “I can’t stand this situation,” “I can’t beat you,” and sees this as a time of struggle. The third step is to avoid it. I start the cycle thinking, “If there is a problem, there will be a quarrel,” “If there is a loud noise, I will be beaten,” and “That’s how the fight starts.” When there is an explosion, they run away for a while, such as going home. Or, on the contrary, they do whatever they want to avoid getting angry. Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. As it progresses to the fourth generation, violence becomes a part of their lives. This so-called “normal period” is very harmful. At this point, both are quarreling, fighting, and unable to talk face to face. Feeling we have ‘Run out of gas’ emotionally, feeling trapped, or feeling like we are going to die if we get out of this situation. So when you get into a violent relationship, you can’t get out.