Failure to reprint your QR code is illegal

Failure to reprint your QR code is illegal

December 23, 2020 0 By admin

Since the transition to disaster preparedness, vehicles from 15 routes have been involved in traffic. Officials have warned that people in these industries will go to the smart to get their QR codes, and if they have already received the code, they will have to reprint it in an updated format. This issue was clarified by O.Chinzorig, Head of the Information and Technology Department of the capital city.

-The Capital City Special Commission reported that the QR codes of 23,900 vehicles registered and receiving QR codes by December 1 were automatically activated. However, it is necessary to republish and participate in the movement. And how many more vehicles will be issued a QR code?

By the Government’s decision, starting from today / December 23, 2020 /, the transition period from the high level of preparedness to the level of universal readiness for disaster protection will be set until January 6, 2021, at 06.00. In connection with this, the Governor of the capital city will be issued an ordinance, and 15 licensed organizations will operate during the strict curfew. Employees of these organizations will use the same QR code as before to participate in traffic.

We have previously allowed the activities of 13 organizations, but this time we have added the activities of taxi services and child protection organizations—vehicle smart car. The mn service system is used to enter the vehicle’s license plate number, and authorized organizations get QR codes on their vehicles. We entered all the information on 23,900 vehicles of 13 previously registered organizations into the system at 1:57 pm yesterday.

Organizations can reprint their traffic authorization or QR code. Also, information is provided on 800 taxis and more than 100 vehicles of child protection organizations. As a matter of urgency, additional vehicle permits will be issued to these 15 organizations as before. However, we are not able to issue a QR code for every number of requests we receive. There are about 500,000 registered vehicles in the capital. Of this, 10 percent or less than 50,000 vehicles can be involved in traffic.

This includes more than 30,000 vehicles, including 2,900 vehicles previously registered in the integrated system, public transport, and special services vehicles. For example, 1777 vehicles will be added to the media, telecommunications and postal services, food processing, trade, transportation, distribution, and supply organizations will be increased to more than 10 thousand, taxi services will be increased to 809, and child protection will be provided to more than 100 vehicles.

-Wouldn’t it be possible to participate in traffic with the QR code given to the car before? Can you explain why the design was changed and reprinted?

-This time, the old QR code model was changed a bit. Police officers can read from a distance with the naked eye. As of December 1, we had issued QR codes to 23,900 corporate vehicles during the previous public readiness. This was followed by the addition of five processing plant vehicles and the approval of 18 types of enterprises.

This time, the vehicles of the employees of 15 licensed organizations were modified to differentiate them because they will be in traffic with a QR code. In other words, the QR codes of 23,900 vehicles that registered and received a QR code before December 1 are automatically activated. To use the QR code, the driver must re-print and paste. The design is different.

Citizens can send a request for a QR code to The vehicles’ list will include the organization’s register, vehicle brand, license plate number, and owner’s name, and the Traffic Coordination Team at the Emergency Headquarters of the Capital City Special Commission will receive the request. The organization can register on the system and download the issued QR code from www. smart car. Mn. Requests from organizations other than 15 non-restricted areas of activity will not be accepted or rejected.

-Does it mean that printing an old QR code and participating in traffic is invalid?

-If people post their old QR code this time, it will be invalid. This is against the law. Smart has been reminded of the relevant legal provisions for accessing the system.

The memorandum states that “If the above permission is forged, knowingly used or sold, it shall be considered a crime to make and use forged documents specified in Article 23.2 of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Mongolia and shall be subject to criminal liability”. When the QR code was first introduced, the police investigated more than 30 drivers for initiating Violations and Criminal Cases.

-Have there been any cases of traffic jams on the smart website?

-Since the first QR code was issued, the smart integrated system has not been overloaded or jammed. This system was used by drivers every day. The system’s application has about 900 thousand downloads, and the average daily access is 10-20 thousand. An electronic vehicle service system that serves approximately 3.5 million citizens.

We are constantly improving our information security and workload and working with related organizations. Initially, QR codes were registered with licensed organizations.

As of today, 23,900 vehicle information has already been registered, so all information is automatically activated. Of course, it took some time for the licensed organization’s vehicle information to be reviewed and entered into the system. Citizens seem to misunderstand this as a system bottleneck.